Young Classicist Awards
For more information on the 2025 competition follow the link below.
Classics Teachers
We have set up a Classics Teachers Forum.
Use it to plan for the new curriculum and
have open discussions with other teachers tackling the new specifications.
Use it to plan for the new curriculum and
have open discussions with other teachers tackling the new specifications.
Education is the kindling of a fire, not the filling of a vessel"- Socrates What is Classics?
"The house of western thought has many rooms, but only one basement"
- Natalie Haynes What sets Classics apart from other humanities subjects such as Philosophy, Law, History, Languages and Literature is that Classics clutches the fabric of their foundations to its breast. Whilst the other Humanities germinate, bloom and branch out from the classical seed, the Classics looks ever inwards to study every wondrous facet of that crystalline germ of western civilization: the ancient Greek and Roman world.
Why Classics?
Classics is unique: no other subject is quite like Classics. There never been anybody else quite like Homer or Sappho; no characters quite like Socrates since Socrates; no other stories quite like Herakles. The Mythology and History is steeped in mystery and history. It is fascinating! And fun! Our subject combines Philosophy, History, Archaeology, Geography, Sociology, Literature, Philology, and Linguistics. Building your critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and social awareness to a level no other subject can match! By combining so many disciplines we ensure that you have broad range of skills that can take you anywhere!
Produced by Communicator Limited @C21Classics
Classics is employable: nothing you learn from Classics is useless! It will expand you mind, give you a unique set of transferable skills, and open up pathways to any career that interests you. Employers know this about Classics and respect Classics. Classics students can end up anywhere doing anything - and they will be better for it by having done something they loved and having learned so much from it.
ClassicsNow festival had a very successful opening weekend! More info can be found by clicking the logo. Recordings are available on the Youtube channel: Click Here.
New Access Classics website Launched! Full of wonderful Resources for Teachers, Students, and Schools: Click Here