The Robin Miller Award
The Senior Young Classicist is for all 4th to 6th year students either studying Latin, Ancient Greek, or Classical Studies or students not studying them in school but with an interest in the myths, history, and languages of the Ancient World.
This Award is names for a dedicated Classics teacher of circa 30 years whose family has sponsored this award in his memory. They hope that it his legacy and this award will inspire Young Classicists to continue pursuing their passions for studying the Ancient World.
This Award is names for a dedicated Classics teacher of circa 30 years whose family has sponsored this award in his memory. They hope that it his legacy and this award will inspire Young Classicists to continue pursuing their passions for studying the Ancient World.
Our Winner!
The winner of this years Senior Awards and the Robin Miller Trophy is Justin Ikwu from Gonzaga College Dublin. His project was titled 'Recognizing Roman Opression'. An extremely detailed and well-researched thesis that was clearly and skillfully communicated. Combining historical research with a study of Latin.
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Our Silver Medallist
Our Silver Medallist is Unsínn McCarth from Scoil Pól Kilfinnane Co. Limerick for his beautifully crafted and beautifully read original poem 'Omnes una manet Nox sed Acta Deos numquam Mortilia Fallunt'.
Our Bronze Medallists
Our first Bronze Medallist Julia Pudussery from St. Paul's Secondary School, Greenhills for her well-researched and presented project 'Women in Ancient Greece'.
Our second Bronze Medallist was Finn Neilan from St. Conleth's College for his original song 'Classic Mortal'.
Our Finalists!
Harry Stewart from Gonzaga College - 'The Colosseum'
Séan Radcliffe from Gonzaga College - 'The Chaos of Creation'
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Turlogh Dineen from St. Conleth's College - 'Ambulatio in Paradiso'